Saturday, 21 December 2024



Solstice 2024 started when I was woken at 3:20 a.m. I was dressed at 6:30 a.m., with the Durga Mantra playing and Palo Santo incense burning before breakfast.

Then sat gazing into the pitch blackness of the early morning until gone 7am when the Last Quarter Moon of 2024 showed her face- said Good morning and left, camera shy today.

Then onwards to my favorite place the normally tranquil Chalice Well. I didn't stay until the complete end of today's celebrations, l didn't need to. I did what l went there to do. And that was to meditate let in the new light, said goodbye to the darkness, bought the things l needed to buy, helped a random old lady. And left feeling fulfilled.

I was complimented by a random stranger saying how festive l looked in my red trousers and green/ silver scarf, before being wished a Happy Christmas. 

Then onto the Well entering now as a Companion/ Member- being told l was now part of a community that would soon become family- how lovely is that?

And given a walking stick by a handsome stranger whilst in the gardens- albeit a pice of bamboo. It helped though as the lawns were muddy and slippery.

All compliments lifted my heart and made me smile.

The normal tranquillity of the Well was swarming with hundreds of people all there to welcome in the Winter Solstice new light- and she didn't disappoint- bang on cue of the silent minute of 12 Noon the sun popped her hazy head out of the clouds. 

And during our silent meditation the Icy winds of Winter blew in fresh air to remind us of where we are naturally and blew away the dark, dullness of the past few Winter days.

Ending with the magical vibration of the Ohm triple chant which never fails to amaze me, you can actually feel the vibration.

Vegan refreshments served and a welcoming coffee, balanced under the beautiful Yew tree twins, where strong winds tried to claim plates and crumbs. I decided l was done. l didn't want to wait for the fire ceremony and the drumming in of the new seasonal cycle. So l made a hasty retreat stopping off to get the small items l needed before heading to the bus stop for an early bus home.

Whilst waiting under the shelter l observed an old dear hobbling along with walking stick, bag and  french stick loaf of bread which was upside down in its flimsy bag, it was very close to escaping her cuddled grip.  I immediately jumped to her aid to rescue the bread and help her on the cobbled street. I wished her well and off she went on her merry way.

Then sat in the comfort of the bus for the trail home the sun shown bright and warm the whole way home. 

Safe to say the l think the New light has dawned and the Winter Solstice is done for another year.

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