Tuesday, 7 February 2012


As l have decided to enter the world of blogging, l thought l would share with you all, some older pieces of writing. So over the next few days or so you'll be able read some of my earlier compositions. And when l say earlier some seriously older pieces.


Following my annual quest to see my gods who are Westlife- l was struck by the devastation we cause our landscape and surrounding habitat.

Travelling back from Cardiff to Taunton by train during 'the worst storms of the winter', observation passes the time, evidence of thousands of people in new, old, antiquated and historical  houses yet no sign of life as there are no people seen.

The track sides are formed by mile upon mile of over grown brambles, flooded fields, self formed ponds.  An unseen plague of rats must reside in rat luxury amongst debris which is human life- discarded furniture, mounds of wood, rubbish, scrap metal, neglected unused rails- gone are the rolling hills and lush fields of the 'Railway Children' era.  Replaced and buried history.  I have an unachievable urge to clear it all away and cheer the entire length of this journey up.  The odd artistic graffiti wall adds amusement but it is just a disguise for dull surroundings - created by greed and laziness, if its not needed, dump it, disgard it, un-love it.

Only the rats and unseen wildlife profit from our waste.

Fields of sheep, fields of gloom, where mothers produce cuddly cute lambs who will not live to see old age but are destined to end up on our dinner plates- sad, but a necessity, a fact of our lives.

Just an observation.

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