People moan and have strong opinions about social media and how it affects people and life. But there is a part of it that I like, especially on Facebook and that's the Memories bit that pops up daily and gives you a snippet reminder of how things were last year to 14 years ago.
So today's snippet from 24 November 2013 - 11 years ago—reminds me about one of the last nights out I had in town.
The memory reads- "bottle of wine in the Perkin and a whole chunk of yesterday disappeared from my memory forever ..... thanks to the foreign wankers for ruining my weekend"!!!
I was with two of my daughters and other known ladies, sensible ladies. We were in a local pub, which at the time had a small dance floor. It wasn't majorly busy, probably too early. I'd bought myself a bottle of rose wine, as I was skint, so that bottle was to last me the whole night. Only it didn't because a chunk of the night disappeared into oblivion.
We'd gone to dance briefly, came back to the table where drinks hadn't been left unattended as one of my daughters and a friend were still sat there.
However previous to dancing one of the foreign guys had been chatting to us, he had another guy and a female with him, it became very obvious to me that the two sat behind him were talking in depth about us in their own language. I eventually mentioned to the chatty guy that his friends were talking about us in what appeared to me to be aggressively. He said they weren't but l wasn't convinced. I didn't trust him.
Some of us went to dance.
I returned annoyed by the actions of one of the other ladies, complained to my daughter, took a swig of my drink and got up to go to the loo........................................?????????????????
What happened after that l really do not know????????
I have very slight recollections of being carried out the pub by a female security guard and my youngest daughter.
I have slight recollections of kneeling on the concrete outside a local shop able to hear people talking about me, wanting to get off my knees as l'd a grazed knee from before going out.
I have slight recollections of paramedics talking saying l was pissed..................
I woke up fully clothed my hair pinned back , in my bed with one of my girls in my room. They seeing l was awake and seemingly okay, then went home and left me alone to piece together what had happened to me.!!
I remember sitting in the corner of the sofa alone in my house not knowing what had happened, l didn't have a hang over, l think l cried from fear, shock .......i don't know!!??
I remember the next morning being Monday walking to work still not knowing what the hell had happened to me, my head numb, devoid of any memory.
My work colleague asked me how l was, had l had a good weekend, to which l burst into tears and told him what had happened.
When l met up with my girls again to recollect, one just assumed l was pissed. The other said they'd heard me shouting and screaming from the toilet cubicle had gotten in to find me. The one who thought l was pissed had run back to check our bags were still where we'd left them- they were but our foreign "friends" had vanished!!!
They also told me that my now son in law had taken me home in the car as he'd driven past when l was on the pavement....i have no recollection of that journey what so ever.
11 years on 24th Novemebr 2024 these are still the only memories l have of that night. But I do remember it......
However since then l rarely drink, l have been pissed maybe once or twice since then. I have rarely gone out into town. The first time l returned to the Perkin on a night out l was petrified and was relieved when we left. Going out into town in the dark fills me with dread, having a night out in that pub doesn't happen.
I'm of an age now where drinking to excess really doesn't appeal to me anymore. I have other issues which also prevent a night out in town but the main one is "that night".
Watching a recent documentary about drink spiking was quite triggering but it was also cathartic and good to hear its not just me who felt/ feels like l do.
Given its the run up to silly party season, people- ladies, girls be vigilant be safe l don't want you to go through what l did, l don't want you to have to say ......Me Too!!!